Project Description
A viscometer, viscosity meter is a measuring instrument used to determine a fluid’s internal flow resistance or viscosity. Viscometers frequently used in laboratories, but it also has practical applications in factories and other industrial environments. High temperature glass viscometer furnace is designed for measure viscosity of glass at 1600°C.
The furnace is integrated on a ready-made viscometer. The furnace has a PC connecting and PID controlled heating. The volume of the furnace is 5 litres. It has a programmable temperature. It has a stainless steel outer surface and wire mesh protection.
The dimensions of crucibles and spindles can be changed. The high temperature glass viscometer furnace is produced on demand by the customer. After sales spindles and alumina crucibles are accommodable from our company.
Double-layers steel construction, epoxy painted galvanized-steel exterior.
Able to set programmable temperature, time and soaking time and delayed start feature via PID controller
Able to save different programs which is consist of different steps
Able to resume the program after the power failure
High-quality fiber insulation, low energy consumption
±1°C temperature display sensitivity
Able to measure the viscosity at high temperature
Integrated viscometer with PC connection
Easy changeable crucible
(P) Crucible
(SPN) Spindle
For the maximum life of the furnace and the longer use of the furnace equipment, we recommend that the heating rate of 10°C/min should not exceed. IFlammable and explosive products must not be used in the furnace.
MSE designs and manufactures high-temperature glass viscometer furnace up to 1600°C on demand by the customer. Please contact us for detailed information.
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UP TO 3000°C